uKloo Early Reader Treasure Hunt Game
uKloo games were created by Doreen Dotto, a mom that was challenged with a very reluctant reader. When her son hid at reading time, she decided to turn the tables and hide the reading on him! Soon reading confidence grew and she was encouraged by his teachers to develop the games to help more kids with reading challenges.

uKloo was developed as a reading game with the help of teachers, parents, kids, and special needs family testers. Even people on the street were chased down and asked to give feedback on uKloo. The response was overwhelming, and the results and observations are as follows:
uKloo Benefits:
- Great for kinesthetic learners (also known as tactile or “hands-on” learners – often boys fall in this category).
- Offers physical exercise (an alternative to sitting still with a book or computer monitor.)
- Builds confidence
- Promotes independent learning and play
The Cards Provide:
- Word repetition for visual word recognition
- A physical activity
- An alternative to books
- A set of directions for the child to follow
- An opportunity for problem-solving (which sink to look in?…which shoe? etc.)
The Poster:
- Builds sight reading
- Introduces first research skills
- Offers basics of sentence structure
uKloo Riddle Edition Treasure Hunt Game

uKloo Riddle Edition Treasure Hunt, is for ages 7+. To play the Riddle Edition, parents lay riddle cards around the house to create a trail leading to a surprise.
An enclosed “Hints Booklet” can be accessed if the child gets stuck. If they get really stuck, they can reflect on the answer – with a mirror - on the answers page. There’s even a guide to write your own riddles in the booklet!
uKloo Benefits:
- Great for kinesthetic or hands-on learners (boys often fall into this category)
- Offers physical exercise—an alternative to sitting still with a book or computer monitor
- Builds problem-solving skills
- Builds confidence
- Promotes independent learning and play
The Cards:
- Boosts reading comprehension
- Offer an alternative to books
- Encourage problem-solving
- Supports logic and reasoning
The Hints Booklet:
- Extend problem solving process by making connections
- Promotes the application of logic and reasoning in a second-step process
- Offers the opportunity for parents and kids to learn about riddle writing

uKloo App
Juggling cupcakes? A googly-eyed periscope? A pig wearing a hat? You just never know what animated surprise your child will uncover when they play the uKloo Early Reader App.
uKloo Early Reader App is a fun seek-and-find literacy game for ages four and up. The app extends the real-world gameplay of uKloo Early Reader Treasure Hunt seamlessly into a mobile experience for kids. It encourages kids to look up word clues, search the play screen, and discover surprises along the way! There’s even a picture helper to look up words when kids get stuck. Soon, your child will be reading without even realizing it!
- Progressively builds sight reading (visual word recognition)
- Provides the basics of sentence structure
- Introduces research skills
- Builds confidence
- Promotes independent learning and play
- Makes you giggle
- Engaging surprise animations throughout the game
- Everyday words for early readers
- Word repetition reinforces visual word recognition
- Ten adjustable levels of achievement, progressing from easy three-letter words
- Choice of three to ten clues per round
- Audio assist to play the game
- A Picture Helper that provides:
- Illustrations and audio assist to look up words
- Basics of sentence structure, including nouns, verbs, prepositions, and adjectives
- An opportunity to develop first research skills